Trusted by industry leaders

Investors, asset managers and pension funds benefit in many ways. Optimal asset allocation, precise risk reporting and solid decision-making for investment committees and boards.
Institutional investors like pension funds need to navigate regulatory frameworks, manage complex portfolios efficiently, and address the evolving demands of pension fund beneficiaries. The changing interest-rate landscape, market volatility, and the pursuit of sustainable and responsible investment practices pose additional challenges.
Etops offers sophisticated portfolio management tools, aiding in optimal asset allocation and risk management. State-of-the-art reporting ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, facilitating seamless operations for institutional investors. Etops also facilitates the integration of sustainable and responsible investment practices, providing the necessary tools to adapt to evolving market trends and meet future regulatory requirements.
Coverage of the permitted asset classes and a corresponding bandwidth check form the basis of the allocation and exposure analysis allowing ongoing monitoring of the targeted investment diversification. The risk figures provided by the system form the basis for the implementation of effective risk management practices.
Pension funds are typically required to provide regular reports on their investment activities to authorities and plan participants. Etops proven reporting solution guarantees full compliance with the regulations and provides the required transparency for the investors in a modern, attractive form.
Increasingly, pension funds are encouraged to consider sustainabilty factors when making investment choices. Industry associations are calling for ESG criteria to be included in the reports so that all stakeholders involved can track how the funds are invested in terms of sustainability. Etops already provides corresponding reports that cover these requirements and guarantee full compliance.
Funds need to provide information to regulatory authorities and plan participants to ensure transparency and accountability. With modern solutions, Etops covers this requirement with conventional yet attractive reports, but also goes beyond this with dashboards and digital access via web apps, providing new opportunities to respond to the ever-increasing demands of the customers.
Do you have a question? We have the answer.
Etops covers all regulatory requirements with regard to asset classification, bandwidth checks, monitoring of investment diversification and ongoing risk monitoring. The system guarantees full transparency for the authorities and customers and complies with all regulatory requirements (e.g. BVV2 in Switzerland).
Yes, Etop's solution is already prepared for the requirements and fulfils all the recommendations of the industry associations (e.g. ASIP in Switzerland). A corresponding report set is offered as standard and offers you the necessary future compliance.
The Etops Platform is cloud-based. The server instances can be set up regionally so that the data is stored in the desired or regulatory required country. All necessary aspects regarding data security, access rights and fail-safety are taken into account and completely met.
Etops offers optimised views for end clients via web browser or dedicated web apps with appropriately controlled access rights and adapted to the corporate design. Etops also offers the option of setting up customised front ends for end clients based on the API and integrating them seamlessly into existing environments.
Let us demonstrate what the Wealth Discovery App and etopsOS can do for your business.
We understand the diverse challenges in the financial industry and offer solutions for a wide range of liquid and illiquid assets. Find out how you can best use our products and services, separately or combined in our leading wealth data platform.
David Schneider
COO, Verium AG
Alexander Sinn
Co-Founder and CEO of 47 Capital AG
Anthony Gimigliano
Head Institutional Desk Swissquote
Sacha Fedier
CEO VT Wealth Management
Patrick Marty
COO Finaport Group